My brother and I constructed this MOC for the 42077 Lego Rally automotive C-Model. All you want is Lego set 42077 and you may construct this automotive. If you wish to add motors, I’ve added directions for each an HOG (hand of god) model, or an RC model. The flat-6 engine will work when the automotive is in movement.
For the RC model you’ll need a Buwizz or Lipo battery and IR reciever / Sbrick, servo and m-motor or L-motor.
Built with Ackerman steering, this automotive handles rather well for the RC model.
1970 Porsche Can Am by lachlan cameron, on Flickr
1970 Porsche Can Am – 42077 C-Model by lachlan cameron, on Flickr
1970 Porsche Can Am by lachlan cameron, on Flickr
1970 Porsche Can Am – underbelly by lachlan cameron,Hi everybody! Molnar has a beautiful sticker pack designed for the Porsche Can-am!! You can discover the hyperlink right here:,%22pgSize%22:100,%22itemType%22:%22P%22,%22catID%22:%22160%22,%22showHomeItems%22:0%7D
Porsche can am with sticker package by lachlan cameron, on Flickr
Porsche can am with sticker package by lachlan cameron, on Flickr
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