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MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift

The MOC 37091

The portrayal on the MOC page:

Here is my elective model of the 42108 set.

This is a B model (additionally called C model). Lego just proposes to construct one model with this unit, I propose you here to assemble a second model with your container, I mean with the pieces you have, you can fabricate this creation.

It has 802 pieces (62% of the complete parts number).

What I\’m selling here is the full structure guidelines I made with Studio. There are 285 stages and they are straightforward. (The PDF is planned similarly as the Lego ones). The two beds are remembered for the PDF.

Here is a passage:

This uncompromising forklift is entirely playable, it has a few highlights:

raising and bringing down the fork

slant the fork

Hoard guiding

open the cover to see the phony component

Perhaps the coolest element is the switch that permits you to bring down the fork. The switch is situated in the taxi, which makes it a valuable capacity simply like in genuine machines of this kind. The greatest burden when the fork is brought is identical down to a Lego battery (with full cells).

I recommend you to put a few stickers from the container as I did during the video, it will be more lovely.


length 35cm

width 13,5cm

tallness 35,5cm

The MOC is a substitute form of set 42108-1 Mobile Crane, which means it just uses parts found in this set. The MOC utilizes 802 sections, which is 62% of the first set. That is not extremely high. yet at the same time, there are a decent measure of capacities in the model. The guidelines look proficient in quality, however the most ideal approach to test that is by building the MOC.

MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift

The Build

The form start with the undercarriage. The straight actuator gets concealed pleasantly under the seat. I like the plan of the seat. The framework to keep the fork from dropping capacity quite well. I love that it is set as a handle close to the driver seat. Pleasant detail work.

MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift

At the point when the rooftop is added, it begins to feel like a forklift. The slant boards as an afterthought give it an extraordinary look. The goods is the last part that gets work before we move to the fork-part of the forklift.

MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift

There is an incredible turning rate in the back wheels, giving it the genuine forklift control.

Today we have Equilibrium to appreciate.

The fork is assemble totally isolated and gets gotten together with the vehicle.

MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift

Just thing left is to finished the drive train into the lift system. Cautioning: This part expects you to cut the wire into 2 pieces. I quit and left a long part hanging out. In the event that you are not happy by cutting LEGO parts, any piece of string will do fine. I ran into a little issue here. The openings holding the yellow flat pivot didn\\’t arrange. I can\\’t preclude that I accomplished something incorrectly here. On the off chance that you run into a similar issue, there is a simple fix: in sync 271, supplant the standard 5L hub with a 59426 Technic Axle 5.5 With Stop. Sadly, this one doesn\\’t accompany the giver set, yet it is in 510 different sets. High change you have one in your assortment. Once more: Not certain if this is a blunder in the form, or that I wrecked some place.

MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift


The outcome looks exceptionally pleasant. It\\’s a strong form, with all important capacities that a forklift requires. The capacities function admirably, in spite of the fact that you shouldn\\’t allow the fork to drop excessively quick. Continuously hold the wheel when you pull the switch. The actual fork drops more slow than the waist of the lift. In the event that it goes too quick, the wires will in general shoot out of the pulleys. This may likewise be on the grounds that the pillars I utilized where somewhat oily. Time for a major cleaning round.

I likewise tried the case that the model can lift a full battery-box. Also, for sure, it does hold and the fork can in any case be raised. Utilizing 2 battery boxes spilled the model. In the event that you hold it down, the fork can even now be lifted, however it seems like something will snap some place.

MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 - Heavy Duty Forklift
MOC Review: MOC-37091 – Heavy Duty Forklift

Along these, taking everything into account:

That\\’s right, this merits your cash. It\\’s a pleasant form. The guidelines are not difficult to follow yet require great consideration. There are some precarious parts, however there frequently are some additional notes inside the guidance step to clear thing up. It presumably wouldn\\’t pass LEGO\\’s norm, however that is important for the good times. LEGO is regularly excessively far erring on the side of caution.


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