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Building Rebricksberg: Part 3 – MOC-28774: The Queen Bricktoria

The MOC 28774 Description

The Queen Bricktoria is a MOC secluded structure and portrays a London style traffic intersection bar. The ground level highlights the primary bar zone of the bar just as an external seating zone and a red pay phone. Level 2 highlights a games room total with a pool table and dart board. Level 3 is an unrecorded music stay with a phase and melodic gear.

The Instructions


Generally the directions are fabulous. Simple to follow, expertly made, and very alluring! He even sets aside the effort to make his suggested minifigures, finding the parts numbers for each figure. Also, gives a page to the custom stickers so you can print them at home. There were two or three stages that were trying because of model direction however nothing that a few snapshots of focus didn’t effectively tackle.

Bricked1980 connected with a more experienced Instruction Manual Designer to help clean them off. Cameron Miller (camsbrick) was the man for the work. Look at his work on Instagram @camsbrick.

The guidance manual has 289 form ventures more than 217 pages. They cost $20 which is incredible worth considering the size and unpredictability of the form and nature of the guidelines.

The pdf is accessible for buy here.

The Parts

At the point when I settled on building this secluded my initial step was purchasing all the parts I was absent. Around 1000 altogether, I was feeling the loss of a ton of Medium Blue, Dark Green, Dark Red, and a portion of the bigger plates. My underlying bill for the missing parts was around $400. I settled on the choice to perceive what parts I could trade out to make the form less expensive. The Medium Blue is something that pulled in me to the model so I realized I needed to keep them paying little mind to cost. Yet, the Dark Green and Dark Red were generally traded out.

I utilized Rebrickable to discover substitute molds of parts and trade tones, and ultimately, utilizing the Multi-Buy instrument, got the expense down to around $250. The Multi-Buy apparatus discovered me the least expensive alternatives from numerous stores. I wound up getting my parts from 2 Bricklink stores and 2 Brickowl stores.

Here’s a portion of the greater changes to parts I made:

14769pr1010 Tile Round 2 x 2 with Dart Board Print – At $1 I believed I expected to locate another option. I despondently chose 14769pr1079 Tile Round 2 x 2 with Red Circles Print, which doesn’t look as great however saved me 70c.

88293 Brick Round Corner 3 x 3 x 2 Dome Top – A survivor of the Dark Green cleanse. I selected Black rather which saved me around $1.50 each. This change from Dark Green to Black likewise got a good deal on the overhangs (changing the Dark Green 1×4 Tiles and 1×1 Plate with Tooth). I, by a huge edge, incline toward the Dark Green tasteful yet transforming it to Black saved me a ton of cash and aided make the form conceivable.

76041c01 Door 1 x 4 x 6 with 3 Panes with Trans-Light Blue Glass – this part is a genuine illustration of why the Multi Buy apparatus is so helpful. I was unable to discover this part in a store that offered me some other parts I required. This pushed this $2-3 way to $10-15 when considering additional conveyance costs. This is the most grieved change I made. It’s utilized for the notable phonebox and different tones simply don’t look anyplace approach as great, however I wasn’t going to burn through 5% of my spending plan for one section. I chose the Black form all things being equal.

33172 Carrot – These are utilized for the lager taps. They look incredible yet at 60c every (I required 5) I discovered other options (33183 Carrot Top was one of them).

2039 Lamp Post 2 x 2 x 7 – This White part was $4-8. The elective shape 11062 Lamp Post 2 x 2 x 7 is a lot less expensive at around $1 however I picked a block fabricated rendition utilizing my assortment, which is free.

30367b Brick Round 2 x 2 Dome Top – This part is required in Dark Red, an uncommon shading that couldn’t inexpensively be found in a store that coordinated my necessities (around 40c each and I required 6). You can discover Dark Red in an elective shape however it’s much more costly. I settled on White since I previously had some in my assortment, and to purchase the missing ones cost me 6c each. I quite scorn this change. It makes the lighting resemble a distinct cafe, not a testy British bar, so I will be transforming them for something different at last.

3939 Slope 33° 3 x 6 – A straightforward change to it’s elective section 58181 Slope 33° 3 x 6 brought the expense down from $3 to 15c each.

98283 Brick Special 1 x 2 with Masonry Brick Profile – Used for the smokestack stack, the form needs 48 of these. I had 8 in my assortment. At around 15c every they would’ve cost me $6. Rather I supported LEGO’s methodology when utilizing these blocks, utilizing a couple just periodically with the remainder of the divider being customary block. I previously had 40 1×2 Light Bluish Gray Bricks so this change was a simple choice.

The last significant change was all the blossoms. Bricked1980 utilized 33291 Plate Round 1 x 1 with Flower Edge, be that as it may, generally on account of extra parts from sets, I have undeniably a greater amount of the advanced 24866 Flower 1 x 1 so I traded it out in each example.

I trust this urges you to search for choices when taking a gander at the expense of a MOC. It’s not difficult to be put off when you see the parts are $400, however it’s truly not difficult to get that cost down.

The Build

First Floor

First thing I will communicate is the amount I disdain 1×1 tiled floors. My fat fingers battle to make them gaze directly, more often than not they appear as though poop whenever I’m done. That scorn is held only for my 1×1 tiled floors, every other person’s look extraordinary. There are a few changes to Bricked1980’s plan, made only for cost. The inside is magnificent, he’s figured out how to catch that bar embodiment that so many “Bars” in America battle to reproduce.

A portion of my part trades work in a way that is better than others. I don’t think you notice the Dark Green Stools (rather than Dark Red), or the White and Black canopy. A few anyway aren’t as effective. At the point when my better half saw the completed bar she inquired as to why would that be a train on it, I may need to change out my decision of lager tap handles! I additionally truly disdain the lighting over the bar, white wasn’t the correct decision. Ideally I can get some Dark Red like in the first plan, else I may change to Dark Bluish Gray or Black.

The utilization of jumper plates to offer profundity to the dividers is extraordinary, the entire form is incredibly thoroughly examined. It’s now shipped me back to those Sunday bar cook meals with the family (or perhaps more inebriated evenings of my mis-went through youth the night prior to those Sunday broil suppers with the family).


Second Floor

In case you’re not British you may not genuinely appreciate how careful this floor is. I’m almost certain I’ve been in precisely this room. The dart board, pool signal rack, and prize rack are incredible subtleties. On this floor is actually my solitary grievance of the entire model. To have those phenomenal outside white precious stones Bricked1980 utilized light blocks. This has left the front stud obvious on the inside. Higher up he utilizes these openings for divider lighting, I wish he did likewise here.

The corner window uses a 2×2 turntable plate to extraordinary impact, the corner fits consistently.

Once on top of the primary floor the model as of now looks mind blowing. The flower contacts truly help unite the two segments.


Third Floor

The last floor is a little stage and seating. The block fabricated console is an extraordinary little form, in my experience this would have more probable been utilized for karaoke than any real unrecorded music!

I love the option of the overhang, it truly adds to the outside.


The Roof

Rooftop’s can here and there be the failed to remember step-offspring of a secluded, yet not here. Adding some pleasant subtleties finish of the structure truly well. Furthermore, the white engineering subtleties under the rooftop overhang are simply great. It’s a particularly unmistakable style of a British bar it’s astonishing how well Bricked1980 reproduced it here.




The completed model is simply remarkable. Up there with any of LEGO’s true measured sets. At the point when my significant other initially saw it her accurate words were “amazing, that is a genuine bar model”. Presently my better half (yes she’s likewise British) doesn’t share my adoration for LEGO. She goes along with me when I perpetually talk about it, and occationally shows interest in something I’ve fabricated. However, LEGO never gets a “goodness” from her, not in any event, for the monstrous Hogwarts Castle set (and she’s a major Harry Potter fan) along these lines, Bricked1980, you should feel truly glad that you acheived something with LEGO not even LEGO has overseen.

The model sits more than 13 inches high which helps give it’s wow factor. Size joined with an incredible shading sense of taste, extraordinary goods, and cohessive plan bring about a particular structure that will sit gladly in Rebricksberg.


Was there anything I didn’t care for? Truly, no, the form is perfect. There’s nothing I would change in the event that I had an endless wallet to purchase parts.

There was a few pieces that pre-owned two sections that could’ve utilized one diverse part, which is possibly irritating when you’re purchasing a great deal of parts, I’ll never hold that sort of thing against an originator however. Planning a MOC is difficult enough without stressing over the cost of parts.

On account of my photography I’ve likewise figured out how awful a portion of my old white parts have yellowed. To my eye they didn’t look anyplace approach as awful as they do in a portion of these pictures!

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