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How to Deal With an Alcoholic: Dos, Dont’s, Coping

Living With an Alcoholic Spouse

Depending on what is available in your area, inpatient and outpatient options can be considered. The enabler is the person who tries to cover up the alcoholic’s behaviors and take responsibility for them. They usually will make excuses for the person with a substance use disorder and try to keep everyone happy. By not making the person take responsibility for their actions, they are helping them continue their destructive behaviors. Attending a rehab center and receiving alcohol detox may be a first stage of treatment followed by individual and group therapy practices.

Start by reading up on alcohol use disorder to know the signs that someone has a problem with drinking. This will help make a stronger case that a spouse’s behaviors and actions are not healthy. There are many challenges that a person might face when living with a partner, husband, or wife with an alcohol use disorder.

Understanding alcohol addiction

This dysfunctional dynamic happens when one partner begins to sacrifice their needs to better prioritize what they think their partner needs. Learning to recognize the signs of AUD is an important first step, says Spotorno, because it can make it easier to identify when they may need professional help. The 8 strategies below offer a starting place for navigating your relationship with a spouse or partner who has AUD. Our free, confidential telephone consultation will help you find the best treatment program for you. We can also guide you in approaching a loved one who needs treatment. When living with someone who has AUD, it’s important to understand that you didn’t cause the addiction.

Don’t Accept Unacceptable Behavior

Living With an Alcoholic Spouse

Eventually, your spouse may come to you and express an interest in recovery. It is important to act fast because the determination to get help can fade as quickly as it appeared. Statements that begin with “You always…” or “You make it hard to…” are only going to make your spouse defensive. Instead, choose “I” statements to convey how you feel, such as, “I’m having a difficult time sleeping at night because of the late nights you’re keeping.” Be gentle, but be firm in your statements.

What Is Drug Detox Like?

There are immediate issues, like violence, stress, and worrying about children, as well as lasting issues that cause harm for years to come. It is crucial to address and deal with the issue of drinking and to offer help but also to know when it is time to remove oneself from the situation for self-preservation. A man or woman who lives with a partner with an alcohol use disorder may face any or all of the possible challenges in the present.

Let’s talk about your recovery

  1. They’re also at a higher risk for other challenges, including difficulties forming close relationships, lying, and self-judgment.
  2. ” There are ways to help your spouse while also helping yourself so that you both can be healthy and happy.
  3. Establishing a safe space can build trust, so showing them you won’t use harsh language or say unkind things can encourage them to open up more candidly about their drinking.

And above all else, take steps to keep you and the rest of your household safe and healthy. After recovery, some people with AUD may need support from friends and family. You can help by offering unconditional support, including abstaining from drinking yourself. Children who grow up with a parent with AUD are more likely to misuse alcohol themselves later in life. They’re also at a higher risk for other challenges, including difficulties forming close relationships, lying, and self-judgment.

These may vary depending on the situation and alcohol storage ideas the people involved, but studies have found that there are many commonalities. In one study, for instance, researchers interviewed 30 women who were wives of alcoholics about the issues they faced and the coping mechanisms they used. Encouraging your spouse to embark on the journey of sobriety can be a delicate task. It’s important to approach the topic with empathy, understanding, and without judgment.

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