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Смарт-контракты Smart contract Умные контракты

Например, сам договор оформлен на бумажном носителе, в котором прописаны условия разрешения споров и т.д., а смарт-контракт регулирует только расчеты. Основатель платформы, Виталий Бутерин, расширил возможности создания смарт-контрактов, создав универсальную децентрализованную блокчейн-платформу, которая позволяет программировать различные системы хранения и обработки данных на языке Тьюринг. Смарт-контракт — это своего рода цифровой договор, который устанавливает правила для […]

8 tips to help you overcome the fear of being sober

Is silly to be afraid of being sober just live it and enjoy it. Another common fear in recovery is rejection from friends and family. You may think that your loved ones will think less of you or not want to be around you. What are the Stats On Rehab and Recovery? Besides, once you […]

Accounting and auditing with blockchain technology and artificial Intelligence: A literature review

Routine accounting data would be recorded permanently with a timestamp, preventing it from being altered ex-post, which Alles (2018) argues would further ensure the reliability of current accounting information systems. Real-time accounting would also reduce the potential opportunities for earnings management (Yermack, 2017). Additionally, using blockchain means anyone can review all transactions, even those that […]

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